Customer Services
Research about interacting with Customer Services.
Accessibility across customer services
Research to understand the pain points that people with access needs experience when interacting with Customer Services (telephony, face-to-face and the website).
June 2022 - October 2022
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Customer Services
Understanding emails coming into customer services
Discovery to understand the process for dealing with customer service emails.
September 2021 - April 2022
Part of a collection for: Customer Services
Residents providing documents to use council services
This research focuses on a product to allow council officers to request evidence from residents securely, and for the residents to provide the evidence digitally. For example, providing a photograph of your passport so that you can use Housing services.
October 2021 - present
Phases: None
Part of collections for: Pay for something, Apply for something, Customer Services, Register for something
Understanding the needs of new residents to Hackney
A project to understand user needs for new residents of Hackney and whether a product that pulls together particular information and services could meet that need.
July 2018 - September 2018
Part of collections for: Moving somewhere, Customer Services
Developing a resident focused way to measure our performance in Hackney
Our residents should design what good customer service looks like. We conducted research with residents to help us develop something that helps us to accurately measure the service we give to make sure we deliver the service our residents expect. We're planning to validate these findings with a wider, more formal consultation with residents.
July 2020 - September 2020
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Customer Services, Council websites, Council staff and members
Understanding Customer Services
A discovery to understand Customer Services as a whole. In particular, what it is, how well it works and the opportunities to improve it. The goal was to decide on opportunities to improve resident contact with Customer Services.
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Customer Services
Testing phone menus
We wanted to understand if simplifying council phone menus helps residents to speak to the right person faster and easier.
July 2023 - August 2023
Part of a collection for: Customer Services
Testing a list of services at Hackney Council
We developed a list of services that Hackney Council provides as people visiting, living or working in the borough might know them. It was as an experiment to see if it was possible, as a list of services can help the Council see itself through the eyes of its residents and can help people to spot opportunities by looking at services together. This research tested the list of services with residents.
September 2023 - January 2024
Part of collections for: Customer Services, Council websites
Testing tasks that are most important ('Top Tasks') for Hackney residents can be difficult for residents to understand and use and previous user research identified a variety of pain points. There are hundreds of tasks, some simple, and some complex. So we wanted to look at how we could prioritise what to improve. We used the "Top Tasks" method to quantify what tasks are most important to Hackney residents. We then conducted usability testing on the Top Tasks.
October 2023 - August 2024
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Customer Services, Council websites