User research library
27 projects
Community groups booking free or low cost meeting spaces (Hackney Space Bank)
We've started developing an online platform enabling council-owned rooms to be made available and booked at low cost. This is to help ensure that residents and community groups can access the spaces they need to meet and develop. The project was suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
November 2018 - March 2020
Phases: Discovery, Alpha, Beta
Part of collections for: Community groups, Businesses , Library visitors, Book something
Developing an open user research library Alpha
Developing a user research library for all Hackney projects to which anyone can contribute their own user research.
April 2018 - present
Part of a collection for: User researchers
Submit my planning application Live
Research to understand whether user needs are being met by a new digital service that enable users to submit, view and comment on planning applications.
May 2018 - present
Phases: Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live
Part of collections for: Apply for something, Council staff and members
Technology in libraries Discovery
Pilot project to investigate how people use technology in libraries.
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Library visitors, Council staff and members
Reporting tool supporting local government collaboration (Pipeline) Alpha
Research to understand needs of local authority digital teams to report on their portfolio of projects easily, and in different formats to aid collaboration across local government.
July 2018 - present
Part of a collection for: Council staff and members
Manage a tenancy Live
Enabling neighbourhood housing officers to work in the field, digitising the processes to improve the customer experience, reduce travel time and reduce paper.
October 2017 - present
Phases: Live, Discovery, Alpha, Beta
Part of collections for: Council housing tenants, Council staff and members
Development of a temporary accommodation service Discovery
Hackney Council has around 3,000 families in temporary accommodation, living within the Borough and beyond. The current process for identifying and inspecting the accommodation, allocating it to families and managing their rent is unnecessarily complex and time-consuming. As part of our move away from Universal Housing, we want to develop a digital service to better support residents and the staff that serve them.
July 2018 - November 2018
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Apply for something, Council housing tenants
Discovery phase for a user-centred back office (town) planning system
Authorities lack a user-centred solution providing back-end case management, transactional functions and database necessary to manage a Planning service. We want to understand how a cross-authority solution could unlock wider transformation of the planning system. Planning services are dependent on proprietary solutions that are developing slowly and resistant to interoperability. The market is dominated by just two providers. This software does not meet the aspirations set out in the Local Digital Declaration. The commercial incentives to support innovation are low. The practical problems associated with poor quality software create challenges for the effective administration of the national planning system. The project builds on existing work by Hackney and Southwark to validate the common and widespread need to solve problems of digital pre-application, digital applications (minor) and consultation from a front end user perspective. Both authorities have already demonstrated significant commitment to working openly in a way that benefits the whole sector. Unboxed have been appointed to support Southwark with the delivery of this project in close collaboration with Hackney and the GLA.
February 2019 - April 2019
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Apply for something
Best Start in Life - Improving outcomes for children aged 0-5 Discovery
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough councils are partnering with public health, CCG and other organisations to create a joint strategy and integrated delivery model to improve outcomes for children from pre-birth to age 5. The strategy is in it's final phases of development and the integrated delivery model will be shaped over the coming months. This will result in a joint programme of work, redesigning services around user need. The 3 main impacts the strategy is targeting are - health, school readiness and safety. The initial user research work was to compliment the evidence and data work to understand the lived experiences of parents, children and professionals. It was not extensive (2 sprints were undertaken). Part of the work we are doing is to embed user research and design into business as usual practice and will form a major part ofthe service redesign work that is undertaken once the strategy is in delivery later in 2019.
January 2019 - August 2020
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Children and young people
Making the most of our tools (Safeguarding and Learning)
A joint project with ICT and Safeguarding and Learning services. Safeguarding and Learning wanted to understand how to use new tools to make it easier to do their jobs. ICT wanted to understand what tools they could provide so that computers make work easier not harder.
February 2019 - present
Part of a collection for: Council staff and members