Council websites
Research into users who access council websites and register/login for specific council services.
Improving digital service registration and login for Hackney residents Alpha
Research to understand how Hackney residents currently register, login and reset passwords for certain digital services (through the council's One Account system) and ways to improve that experience.
Part of collections for: Council staff and members, Council housing tenants, Council websites, Register for something
Understanding how people use voice controlled technology Discovery
Research to explore take up of voice controlled technology, what it is being used for and what Hertfordshire County Council services it could be used for.
October 2018 - October 2018
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Directory of services Alpha
A project to build and test prototypes for Directory of Services which allows data to be entered and maintained in a central repository, which we can test and get feedback from.
Part of a collection for: Council websites
SEND Local Offer - structure and content re-design Discovery
The Local Offer website is a statutory requirement for local authorities, and is required to provide information about all provision available in the area to families where a child (aged 0 - 25) has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
January 2019 - October 2019
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Children and young people, Council websites
Understanding how residents group and label housing advice content
Research to inform a new structure for the housing options and advice section of the Council website. It looked to understand how Hackney residents group and label housing advice content, to see if they understand how Hackney Council plans to label content, to see if they can access the information they need and if any information is missing.
July 2023 - September 2023
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Hackney Council Finding support services near you Beta
Build and test prototypes for Directory of Services which allows data to be entered and maintained in a central repository, which we can test and get feedback from.
January 2020 - March 2020
Phases: Beta
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Can chatbots and AI help solve service design problems
This discovery project aimed to resolve these problems by delivering; * a methodology for evaluating the suitability or otherwise of a particular application for developing into a chatbot or AI product * a research base to assist local authorities developing their individual business cases to save time and resource rather than duplicating research * a summary of the potential technology solutions that are available with their individual advantages and disadvantages of each, and their applicability to different circumstances * a set of case studies drawn from participating councils in how the framework can be applied
February 2019 - April 2019
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Improving content on the Hackney Council website
This project is about re-engineering Hackney content so that, in the long run, we can deliver it to different platforms
April 2019 - December 2019
Phases: Alpha
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Developing a resident focused way to measure our performance in Hackney
Our residents should design what good customer service looks like. We conducted research with residents to help us develop something that helps us to accurately measure the service we give to make sure we deliver the service our residents expect. We're planning to validate these findings with a wider, more formal consultation with residents.
July 2020 - September 2020
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Customer Services, Council websites, Council staff and members
Helping residents find organisations that provide support services in Hackney
Developing a comprehensive and up to date platform for residents and community navigators to locate the voluntary organisations which provide support services in the borough.
September 2019 - present
Phases: Beta, Alpha, Discovery
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Online Maps - Planning Services Discovery
Research to improve the user experience around planning mapping and create a design standard for online maps.
April 2021 - present
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Council websites
Testing a list of services at Hackney Council
We developed a list of services that Hackney Council provides as people visiting, living or working in the borough might know them. It was as an experiment to see if it was possible, as a list of services can help the Council see itself through the eyes of its residents and can help people to spot opportunities by looking at services together. This research tested the list of services with residents.
September 2023 - January 2024
Part of collections for: Customer Services, Council websites
Testing tasks that are most important ('Top Tasks') for Hackney residents can be difficult for residents to understand and use and previous user research identified a variety of pain points. There are hundreds of tasks, some simple, and some complex. So we wanted to look at how we could prioritise what to improve. We used the "Top Tasks" method to quantify what tasks are most important to Hackney residents. We then conducted usability testing on the Top Tasks.
October 2023 - August 2024
Phases: Discovery
Part of collections for: Customer Services, Council websites
What residents need from
In 2023, Hackney Council's Customer Experience began a Discovery project to redesign their council website, In sprints 1 and 2, user research identified key user groups, what can be done on the website, and insights from previous research. From that, the project team prioritised that user research explores: - What residents need from self-serving online - What is stopping people from self-serving online - What is driving traffic from the website to the contact centre - Resident experiences of service patterns (particularly ‘Apply’, ‘Find’ and ‘Check’)
Phases: Discovery
Part of a collection for: Council websites