We carried out some research to explore the idea of enabling council-owned rooms to be made available and booked at low cost. We wanted to understand if residents and community groups can access the spaces they need to meet and develop. The project was suspended due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Research documents
Discussion guide
- Voluntary groups Discovery
- Venue providers Discovery
- Library managers Alpha
- Internal users of library rooms Alpha
- External users of library rooms Alpha
- Library colleagues Alpha
- Finance colleagues Alpha
- Resident groups (discussion guide) Discovery
- Micro-businesses (discussion guide) Discovery
- People who book community halls Discovery
- Community halls team Discovery
- People who don't book community halls Discovery
- Resident groups insights Discovery
- Summary of discovery findings Discovery
- Concept testing summary findings Alpha
- Research with community halls team Discovery
- Themes from interviews with people who book community halls Discovery
- User group summary Beta
- Summary findings from user interviews Alpha
- First community halls playback sesssion Discovery
- Second community halls playback session Discovery
- Untapped booker persona Discovery
Research overview
Research plan
- Alpha user research plan Alpha
- Discovery user research plan Discovery
- Usability testing plan Beta
- Beta user research plan Beta
- Concept testing plan (round 1) Alpha
- Concept testing plan (round 2) Alpha
- Discovery user research plan (community halls) Discovery